

Opposition leaders led by National Assembly Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi on Sunday called on IEBC chairperson Wafula Chebukati and commissioners Boya Molu and Prof Abdi Guliye to proceed on terminal leave. The leaders said that the poll officials whose term in office expires on January 17, 2023, have accumulated leave days over the years and it is by law that they vacate now. “They need to proceed on a three months terminal leave... What is it that they want to achieve now that they could not in the last six years?” Wandayi posed. The Ugunja MP was speaking at his home in Sidindi where he had hosted his deputy Robert Mbui (Kathiani) and MPs Caleb Amisi (Sabaoti) and David Pkosing (Pokot South). The leaders said they had learnt that President William Ruto has already started the process of replacing the trio. “We are calling for a transparent and consultative way of replacing the electoral chairperson and the two commissioners,” Pkosing said. MPs Mbui and Amisi promised tha


 Speaking during the burial of Stanley Aluma, the father of Homabay town Member of Parliament (MP) Peter Kaluma the former vice president highlighted the plight of a section of Raila's supporters following the former premier's loss in his fifth stab. "The whole country is hurting. Watu wana hasira ya kindani na watu wanataka majibu na nina amini Mungu atatupatia majibu wakati wake. Kwa nini Raila asikubaliwe awe rais wa Kenya?, karibu nitoe machozi" he posed. He said they will  Azimio's shadow cabinet He additionally stated that the coalition will unveil a shadow cabinet that will oversight the Kenya Kwanza administration. Kalonzo stated that the coalition would announce the members of the cabinet once the coalition's leader Raila Odinga returns. While maintaining that the cabinet will play a significant role in ensuring that the current administration is held accountable for its actions, Kalonzo pointed out that the coalition will also


William Ruto alongside other leaders affiliated with the Azimio La Umoja One Kenya Coalition Party Today, the Wiper party leader embraces William Ruto, who floored Raila Odinga in the August 9 presidential elections William Ruto will attend a Sunday mass at theAIC  Township .Kalonzo Musyoka was a fierce critic of William Ruto alongside other leaders affiliated with the Azimio La Umoja One Kenya Coalition Party.  Today, the Wiper party leader embraces William Ruto, who floored Raila Odinga in the August 9 presidential elections William Ruto will attend a Sunday mass at the AIC Township Kitui, and Kalonzo Musyoka has urged residents to turn up in large numbers.  After attending this year's Mashujaa Day national celebrations, it is clear that Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka has put his differences with President William Ruto behind him. In the run-up to the August 9 General Election, Kalonzo Musyoka was a fierce critic of Ruto alongside other leaders affiliated with the Azimi

"Raila Paid For My Fare After the 2017 General Elections," Miguna Now Reveals

General Miguna Miguna has admitted that it is indeed Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga who paid for his fare when Raila wanted to be sworn in as the peoples president after the 2017 general election. According to Miguna, all other close political allies to Raila Odinga had refused to take the role of swearing him in, "When it came to the point when Raila was going to be sworn in, everybody around him refused. Raila looked for me and paid for my fare," he said. In the interview with Joe Ageyo of NTV, Miguna also revealed that he voted for Uhuru Kenyatta and not Raila Odinga as people thought. He believed the Uhuru did not win legimitately and therefore he went ahead to swear Raila in as the peoples president. "I believed that Raila won the (2017) election even though I had voted for Uhuru and didn't like Raila. That's why I chose to support Raila. For me the rule of law is cardinal."


 While today was a busy day for state house photographers who were covering the Mashujaa Day fete, one of them had an awkward moment This was after his trousers ripped in the middle of his busy day, and he had to change before resuming his work He shared the funny photo of his torn trouser, and many could not help but tickle about it.A state house photographer had an awkward moment today after his trouser ripped as he was working during the Mashujaa Day celebration. hii imeraruka Kwa KAZI  he commented The country marked Kenya's 59th fete today, which was presided over by President William Ruto at Uhuru Gardens.While taking photos during the day, one of Ruto's photographers, identified as Nesh Maina, had a rather uncomfortable moment after his trouser ripped during his busy work day. Despite his trouser tearing, Maina seemingly found it hilarious as he shared with his Twitter followers about the awkward moment, and many could not help but giggle.  "Trouser imer